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Institution's Innovation Council (IIC-RGU)

3-wheeler Electric operated Food-cart

Banana Leaf Cutter

Electric Car

Bio Gas Plant

Robo Chef V1

Institution’s Innovation Council – Assam Royal Global University (IIC-RGU)

Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India established Institution’s Innovation Council in the year 2018. Different educational institutions in the country are part of this initiative. The motive of this pro- gram is to systematically foster the culture of innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The Assam Royal Global University becomes a part of this initiative in the year 2019 and established the IIC- RGU. The IIC- RGU has achieved 3 Star rating out of 4 Stars in the year 2021 result published by MoE, AICTE. The primary mandate of IIC-RGU is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them. The Royal Innovation Incubator was established in the year 2021 under IIC-RGU. The Managing Director of NRL inaugurated the Royal Innovation Incubator. The focus of the incubator is to create an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship development and create an awareness of IPR activity.


  • To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities.
  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize periodic workshops/seminars/interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  • Organize Hackathons, idea competitions, and challenges with the involvement of industries.
  • To generate awareness about Patents, Copyright, and IPRs with in the HEI.

As students we are always in shortage of time and energy. As we stay in PG/Rented rooms our daily meals have to be prepared by ourselves .
To solve this problem, we introduced RoboChef V1. It is a smart autonomous rice cooker which cooks rice without human presence. It requires zero effort and less time. You just need to store the rice grains once in a month and set the time when you need your meal daily with our smart connected app RoboChef will do it’s job. You can have your meal on time.

Monitoring Field Conditions -

Drone field monitoring is also being used to monitor the health of soil and field conditions. Drones can provide accurate field mapping including elevation information that allow growers to find any irregularities in the field. Having information on field elevation is useful in determining drainage patterns and wet/dry spots which allow for more efficient watering techniques. Some agricultural drone retailers and service providers also offer nitrogen level monitoring in soil using enhanced sensors. This allows for precise application of fertilizers, eliminating poor growing spots and improving soil health for years to come.

Hot press machine for making plates, bowl from leaves

Eight legged Robot for all terrain

Auto Straw Counting Machine

Octa Copter for Agriculture soil testing

Marker pen with Bamboo and Cane

3D printed key rings representing Assamese Culture

Institutional Patent Published

The criteria and job selection process adopted for selection by most companies is as follows:

  • Marker Pen made of Biodegradable Materials application no. 202231045258, Innovators Dr. Hirak Ranjan Das and Dr. Sankar Barma.
  • A Portable Device to Cut Soft Sheets in Circular Shape with Adjustable Radius application no.202231021448. Innovators Dr. Sankar Barma, Dr. Hirak Ranjan Das Mr. Sasanka Boruah and Mr. Nirakar Nath.


Received 3 Star rating in the year 2020-2021 by MoE/AICTE.

Received recognition from Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell, Govt. of India.

Received the award for the first position among the Private Universities for innovation at the North-East Research Conclave (NERC) at IITG organized by IIT Guwahati, India, Science, Technology and Climate Change Dept. & Dept. of Education, Govt. of Assam.

Students have demonstrated the concept of an electric car during the exhibition organized by Second Society and achieved 2nd Prize followed by IITG.

Dr. Hirak Ranjan Das was awarded as Best Mentor award for Innovation at Green Innovation Ecosystem organized by NERAMAC.

Activities of IIC-RGU for the AY 2023-24

  • IIC-RGU Organised the Internal Hackathon 2023 at The Assam Royal Global University; Date: 26/09/2023 
  • IIC-RGU celebrated Innovation Day; Date: 16/10/2023 
  • Organise Viksit Bharat@2047 Utsav in Campus and Watch the Inaugural Adress by Honorable Prime Minister of India on 11th Dec. 2023 
  • Organised Internal Ideathon-2023 in Association with AIC SELCO; Date: 24/11/2023 
  • Organised a Poster Presentation of Ideas and linked with Experts for Mentorship Support; Date: 26/11/2023 
  • IIC-RGU successfully Organised Smart India Hackathon Software Edition 2023, partially funded by MoE Innovation Cell, Govt. Of India; Date: 19/12/2023 
  • Mentoring Event with Innovation Ambassadors and Experts for Mentorship Support; Date: 21/12/2023 
  • Organized Institution’s Innovation Council - Regional Meet funded by MoE Innovation Cell, Govt. Of India; Date: 09-01-2024 
  • IIC-RGU participated in the National Youth Day Celebration; Date: 12-01-2024 
  • Conducted a Session on Achieving Problem-Solution & Product-Market Fit; Date: 30/01/2024 
  • Organised an interactive session with Prof. Prabuddha Ganguli on IPRs and IP Management; Date: 30/01/2024 
  • IIC-RGU organised the MoU Signing with the startup company Sanam designs wallah Private limited to incubate at the Royal Innovation Incubator (RII) ; Date: 20/02/2024 
  • Organised a Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development at RGU; Date: 26/02/2024 
  • IIC-RGU participated in the National Science Day 2024 Celebration; Date: 28/02/2024 
  • IIC-RGU Students Participated in Northeast Startup & Entrepreneurs Conclave 2024, Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra; Date: 27/03/2024 
  • A group of IIC-RGU student members, Mr. Nipu Das, Mr. Shiva Bhattacharjee and Mr. Nileemoy Pathak, won the award for the best pitch for the ideation stage startup among the selected 15 teams out of 70 participated teams in the Bootcamp for Aspiring Young Entrepreneurs of NER organised by IIM Shillong 

IIC-RGU Activities during AY 2022-2023

  • The ICC-RGU hosted the Institution’s Innovation Council Regional Meet in association with the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell & AICTE on 4th August 2022 
  • Successfully Signed MoU with Three startups. (Globotask IT consultancy services Private limited, Jolkuwori LLP, Pasoli Agro Industry Private limited) on 7th February 2023 
  • Orientation Session on IIC 5.0 & Features was conducted on 7th February 2023 
  • An Interactive Session was conducted on Empowering Business with MarTech & CRO on 9th February 2023 
  • A Motivational Speech: Entrepreneurship and Startup was conducted among the students on 22nd February 2023 
  • IIC-RGU Students Participated in AEC Class 88 Foundation organized by Institution of Engineers (India) Panbazar at Assam Engineering College on 25th February 2023 
  • IIC-RGU Students attended Technical Awareness Program organised by NECTAR on 25th February 2023 
  • Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude, and Behaviour Development was conducted on 26th February 2023 
  • Session on Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit was conducted on 8th March 2023 
  • Dr. Hirak R Das from the IIC Cell was invited by Sandraprabha Saikiani Centre for Women & IQAC, Tezpur University to deliver a lecture on the Incubation and Entrepreneurship Awareness Program on 14th March 2023 
  • IIC-RGU Students Displayed a few Student Research Project at MSME Technology Centre Conclave 2023, Kahilipara on 31st March 2023 
  • IIC-RGU student members visited the Northeast Food Festival 2023, held at the Maniram Dewan Trade Centre, Guwahati on 7th February 2023 
  • The IIC-RGU participated in the ‘Power Businesswomen Meet’ held at Assam Start-Up- The Nest on 14th April 2023 
  • YUKTI Innovation Repository and Innovation Challenge Discussion was held on 20th April 2023 
  • IIC-RGU Students Participated in EDII Hackathon Final Round held at EDII Ahmedabad on 28th April 2023 
  • Workshop on Prototype Design and Development was conducted on 3rd May 2023 
  • Organised a Workshop on Product Designing and Prototyping (Go Kart) on 19th May 2023 
  • Demo Day - Cakeology7: A Campus-Based Interdisciplinary Enterprise was done on 2nd June 2023 
  • Organised an interactive session with MR. Palash Bhowmik, Chief Manager (Technology), The National small Industries corporation Ltd. on 8th June 2023 
  • Exposure trip to the Patent Facilitation Centre CPP-IPR, Sonapur, on 9th June 2023 
  • Business Model Canvas (BMC) session was conducted on 20th June 2023 

Activities of Annual Year 2021-22

  • 4 Aug 2022, Organized Institution’s Innovation Council - Regional Meet funded by MoE Innovation Cell, Govt. Of India.
  • 8 July 2022, Impact Lecture Series – I on Innovation and Startup funded by MoE Innovation Cell, Govt. Of India.
  • 1 July 2022, Organized a session on the Creation of Innovative Business Ideas for female faculty members and students. This program will help to boost Women’s Entrepreneurship initiatives in the state.
  • 24 June 2022, The miniature forms of Dhol, Khol, and Madol as a key ring, developed under the aegis of IIC-RGU was launched at the Guwahati Press Club, Ambari, Guwahati by Lokortanagarbha.
  • 20-22 June 2022, IIC-RGU and Mechanical Engineering Department participated in North-East Research Conclave at IITG. IIC-RGU achieved the first position as a private university for innovation.
  • 24 May 2022, The unique cutter developed in the workshop of Royal Global University (RGU) was distributed among different NGOs, self-help groups, and budding rural entrepreneurs by Northeastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Ltd (NERAMAC). The distribution ceremony was organized by NERAMAC at the Guwahati Press Club, Ambari, Guwahati.
  • 11 May 2022, On India’s National Technology Day. The Electric car has demonstrated the concept of an electric car during the exhibition organized by SECOND Society and achieved 2nd prize.
  • 26 April 2022, Celebrated Intellectual Property Day.
  • 22 April 2022, Celebrated Earth Day.
  • 22 March 2022, Organized Northeast Startup Festival The startup festival was one of a kind for the North East, India.
  • 24 Feb 2022, Organized the Journey at Y-Combinator* a virtual panel discussion on innovative start-up endeavors.
  • 16 Feb 2022, Organized seminar on Design Thinking, Critical thinking, and Innovation Design by Mentor Institute.
  • 16 Feb 2022, Organized a session on Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit.
  • 4 Jan 2022, Organized a session on *Forest Fringe School: A Platform for Cultural Foundation.
  • 19 Nov 2021, Organized IDEATHON 2021 with the HEI.
  • 17 Nov 2021, Organized Motivational Session: Building Entrepreneurship and Branding.
  • 16 Nov 201, Organized Motivational Session: Building Entrepreneurship Mindset.
  • 8 Nov 2021, Inauguration innovation and incubation cell Royal Innovation Incubator.
  • 27 Nov 2021, Organized Impact Lecture Series-II founded by MoE Innovation Cell, Govt. Of India.
  • 26 Oct 2021, Organized Motivational Speech by Successful Entrepreneur.
  • 04 Oct 2021, Organized Impact Lecture Series-I founded by MoE Innovation Cell, Govt. Of India.
  • 05 Aug 2021, Organized Motivational Speech by Successful Entrepreneur.
  • 22 Aug 2021, Organized Boot Camp in association with Agri-Food Business Incubation Centre (AFBIC) IIT Kharagpur.
  • 31 March 2021, Organized Workshop on Business Model Canvas (BMC).
  • 24 March 2021, Organized field trip to GVRT a rice manufacturing organization.


# Name of Member Member Type Key Role/Position
1.Prof. (Dr.) Alak Kumar Buragohain Admin President 
2.Prof. (Dr.) George A Paul Faculty Vice President  
3.Prof. (Dr.) Anupam Chatterjee Faculty Senior Faculty Member 
4.Dr. Sankar Barman Admin Coordinator & Innovation Activity 
5.Mr. Sasanka Boruah Admin Start-up Activity 
6.Mr. Bijoy Kalita Admin Social media 
7.Prof. Pranati Das Faculty NIRF Coordinator 
8.Dr. Aruna Dev Roy Faculty ARIIA Coordinator 
9.Dr. Debajit Borah Faculty IPR Activity 
10.Dr. Bitopi Gogoi  Faculty Internship Activity 
11.Ms. Banani Das Hazarika Faculty Members 
12.Mr. Mehedi Alom Admin Design Thinking 
13.Mr. Jawad Ahemad Admin Members 
14.Dr. Annesa Borah Faculty Members 
15.Dr. Susmita Nath Faculty Members 
16.Dr. Dharmeswar Barhoi Faculty Members 
17.Mr. Srawan Kr Goenka Faculty Convener