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Royal Centre for Human Resource Development (RCHRD)

About RCHRD:

In accordance with the guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (erstwhile Human Resource Development Centre), the Royal Global University has set up the Royal Centre for Human Resource Development for developing the capacity of its human resources through trainings, workshops, etc. The Centre aims to transform higher education by integrating Indian values and ethos into teaching, research, publications, patents, and institutional development.


To build competencies of faculty and staff for improved teaching, learning, research, academic leadership and administration by aligning them with the values and goals of the university and updating their knowledge and skills according to the needs of society.


Enable faculty and staff to acquire specific competencies that help improve their work performance, student learning outcomes coupled with excellence in research and administration.


  1. Improving the quality of education by providing training and development opportunities for teachers and other academic staff. 
  2. Promoting multiculturalism by facilitating collaboration between different departments and faculties. 
  3. Training teachers by providing the latest pedagogical methods and techniques. 
  4. Encouraging the development of innovative pedagogy for skilled-based education.
  5. Developing teachers as mentors for helping the students to meet life's challenges.
  6. Organizing in-service training programs for teachers and administrative staff.
  7. Organizing in-service training programs for teachers and administrative staff.
  8. Facilitating reforms in each school by modifying management systems and practices.
  9. To ensure holistic development of teachers, staff and students with the inculcation of ethics and human values as enshrined in Indian culture and familiarizing them with the Indian Knowledge System (Bharatiya Gyan Parampara).
  10. To ensure the role of faculty and staff as active participants in institution and nation building.
  11. To empower faculty members and staff as lifelong learners through continuous professional development.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. The faculty members will get sensitized and oriented on NEP 2020 by imparting holistic education, imbibing the ideals of Bhartiya- centric ethics and human values.
  2. Faculty, staff and students will acquire the concept of the Indian Knowledge Systems (Bharatiya Gyan Parampara), integrate in the curriculum and apply it in real life for the advancement and creation of knowledge.
  3. The faculty, staff and students will develop 21st Century skills and become reflective practitioners to innovatively generate and apply ideas respecting biodiversity and sustainability.
  4. The faculty and students will conduct quality research to solve contemporary problems through innovation and entrepreneurship.
  5. The faculty and students will develop the capacity to integrate ICT tools into the learning process and become lifelong self-motivated learners.

RCHRD Committee:

  1. Prof. Dr. Y. S. R. Murthy, Vice Chancellor - Chief Advisor
  2. Prof. (Dr.) Ladu Singh (Prof. Emeritus) - Advisor
  3. Prof. (Dr.) L.K. Nath (Dean, RSP) - Special Invitee
  4. Prof. Nikhil Chrungoo (Dean, RSLS) - Special invitee
  5. Prof. Bijay Singh Mipun (Dean, DSW & RSEES) - Special invitee
  6. Prof. Dr. George A.P. (Dean, RSB & RSC) - Chairman
  7. Prof. D.N. Singh (Registrar) - Member
  8. Prof. Ankur Ganguly (Dean Academic & Dean RSET & IT) - Member
  9. Prof. Anuradha Devi (Dean RSAPS & Director, IQAC) - Member
  10. Dr. Annu Kumari (Asst Prof, Zoology) - Member Secretary
  11. Prof. Ajit Kaushal (HOD, RSLA) - Member
  12. Prof. (Dr) Suresh Chandra Nayak (Dean i/c RSCOM) - Member
  13. Prof. (Dr) Saket Jeswani (Dean Consultancy, Prof. RSB) - Member
  14. Dr. Amlan Das (Assoc. Professor, RSBSC) - Member
  15. Dr. Ranjan Dutta Kalita (Assoc. Prof., RSBSC) - Member
  16. Prof (Dr.) Prince (Associate Professor, RSBAS) - Member
  17. Dr. Shankar Burman (Coordinator, IIC-RGU) - Member
  18. Dr. Ashok Kumar (Dy Director, RCCR) - Member
  19. Dr. Indrajit Dutta (Asst. Professor, RSTTM) - Member
  20. Dr. Mousmi Deka (Asst. Professor, RSFA) - Member
  21. Ms. Baishali Pathak (Asst. Professor, RSC) - Member
  22. Dr. Sujata Deb (Assoc. Prof, RSAPS) - Ex-officio Member


  1. Organise induction programmes for newly appointed faculty members.
  2. Organize FDP/refresher/orientation courses for the faculty
  3. Conduct training programmes for staff on various administrative procedures including ICT in governance, financial management and inter personnel relations.
  4. Assist in conducting Student Induction Programme