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Hey! I am Niaa... Your Admission Assistant.

About us

We are a progressive university with a proud tradition as a provider of high quality education that is reflected in state-of-the-art equipment and facilities in all academic disciplines including health, design and engineering laboratories, computing centres and performing arts studios.

Every course curriculum is complemented by a value based education along with other co-curricular activities, cultural events, sports and yoga for 360⁰ development of students. At the end of the programme, students are expected to have excellent quantitative skills valued both in academia and in the corporate world.

Our faculty members represent a unique blend of expertise, experience and intellectual strength who are drawn from some of the best universities and institutions in the country and abroad.

Through our connections with leading businesses and organisations in the public and voluntary sectors, our students are able to access project and placement opportunities that enhance their employability on graduation.

Recognizing our distinguished achivements

Pillars of RGU

Sports & Games