Post-doc (IIT Guwahati), Ph.D (NEHU), MSc. (NEHU),
Publications in Journals: 14 International
Book Chapters Contributed: 1 (accepted), 3 (Under Communication)
Post-doctoral research experience: 2.5 years
Teaching Experience: 3 years
Best Performer Award in BRNS-AEACI Ninth School on Analytical Chemistry (SAC-9) held at
Atomic Minerals Directorate, North Eastern Region, Shillong, India.
Delivered talk in International Caparica Symposium on “Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials and Applications 2020” held in Capuchos, Caparica-Portugal.
Research Interest: Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Nanocatalysis,
Heterogeneous catalysis, Photochemical organic synthesis.
Dr. Binoyargha Dam has completed his Ph.D from North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong in
synthetic organic chemistry. He has carried out his post-doctoral research in the department
of chemistry, IIT Guwahati. He has published 14 research articles in reputed international
journals such as Green Chemistry (RSC publications). He also gave an invited talk in
International Caparica Symposium on Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials and Applications 2020”
held in Capuchos, Caparica-Portugal, from 20-23rd January 2020. He won the Best Performer
Award for BRNS-AEACI Ninth School on Analytical Chemistry (SAC-9) held at Atomic Minerals
Directorate, North Eastern Region, Shillong, India. He also got selected for prestigious D S
Kothari post-doctoral fellowship (2019), and CSIE RA fellowship (2019). His field of research
are Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Nanocatalysis, Heterogeneous catalysis,
photochemical organic synthesis.